Farmatera Buletin Journal, is a scientific publication journal in the field of health intended for authors and researchers, lecturers, medical students, dental students, nursing and midwifery students, as well as other health science study programs, business actors in the health sector, activists in the health sector. Buletin Farmatera Journa is published every four months (January, April, July, October) using a peer review system for article selection in each publication edition. Buletin Farmatera Journal accepts original research articles relevant to the fields of health, medicine, and basic medical sciences and also accepts literature reviews, systematic literature reviews, meta-analyses, case reports, community service, editorials, and letters to the editor. Articles can be sent to the editorial board by uploading through the open journal system page of the Buletin Farmatera Journal (, By first registering to open a journal account and continue by logging in to the journal account that has been created, with the following writing rules:
Authors who do not have an account are welcome to open an account in this journal by clicking register on the top panel of the journal page, filling in your data, making sure the email you registered is active and checking as an author at the end of the registration.
After you have an account, log in using your username and password, find the new submission section, then click, then please follow the manuscript submission process until complete. Make sure your manuscript is uploaded in MS Word format.
After submitting, be diligent in looking at emails or spam emails because journal communication is done by the email you registered during registration.
1. Research Articles
Is a publication of the results of both observational and experimental research directly carried out by the author.
The format of the research article consists of:
- Heading.
- Abstract.
- Introduction.
- Method.
- Result.
- Discussion.
- Conclusion.
- References.
2. Literature Review
Articles that review various current things by conducting a literature review.
The format used consists of:
- Heading.
- Abstract.
- Introduction.
- Content.
- Discussion.
- Conclusion.
- References.
3. Systematic Literature Review
Articles covering the latest things, organized systematically using charts and tables
The format used consists of:
- Heading.
- Abstract.
- Introduction.
- Method.
- Result.
- Discussion.
- Conclusion.
- References.
4. Meta-Analysis
It is a review of articles (reviews) on the latest medical and health science problems on the same topic, systematic selection and statistical tests are carried out.
The format of the meta-analysis consists of:
- Heading.
- Abstract.
- Introduction.
- Method.
- Result.
- Discussion.
- Conclusion.
- References.
5. Case Report
Articles about cases in the field of medical and health sciences:
The format of the case report consists of:
- Heading.
- Abstract.
- Introduction.
- Case.
- Discussion.
- Conclusion.
- References.
6. Community Service
It is a publication of the results of community service.
The format of the research article consists of:
- Heading.
- Abstract.
- Introduction.
- Method.
- Result.
- Discussion.
- Conclusion.
- References.
7. Editorial
Discusses various medical and health science issues that are hot topics in medical and health circles.
Format used :
- Heading.
- Introduction.
- Content.
- Conclusion
- References.
8. Letter to the Editor
Means of reader communication with editors and other readers that can contain comments, refutations or opinions regarding the content of previous Buletin Farmatera Journal articles and future proposals.
Format used :
- Introduction
- Contents of the problem
- Conclusion
- Suggestion
- Afterword
- Submission manuscripts, mandatory through the open journal system page of the Buletin Farmatera Journal, are not allowed via e-mail or other means.
- The author must include an active email address and contact number "Whats App" in the article manuscript.
- The author lists the form of writing sent whether in the form of research articles, literature reviews, systematic literature reviews, meta-analyses, editorial case reports, or letters to the editor, in the upper right corner of the submitted article.
- The submitted manuscript contains the original article (not a duplication of other articles) in the form of Microsoft Word format.
- The manuscript has never been published or is being submitted to another journal by signing the author's statement letter in the manuscript submission letter which will be sent after the submission is complete.
- The author must ensure that all auxiliary authors have approved the manuscript of the article made which is stated in the author's statement letter which will be sent via email.
- If it is known that the submitted article manuscript is a duplication of other articles or has been published in other journals, then the article manuscript will be disallowed and there will be no refund of fees.
- All article manuscripts will be discussed by experts in the appropriate scientific fields (peer review) and the editorial board (editor).
- Article manuscripts that do not follow the predetermined format and that need to be corrected will be returned to the author via email.
- Revised manuscripts are returned through journal accounts, not via email.
- The research article manuscript must obtain the approval of the ethics committee or consider aspects of research ethics that can be accounted for, the ethical approval letter should be attached as an attachment document.
- Article manuscripts and images submitted to the editors of the Buletin Farmatera Journal will not be returned to the author.
- The author must make a statement of approval following the rules set by the editor of the Buletin Farmatera Journal and the statement of originality of the writing.
- In the process of submitting article manuscripts to the Buletin Farmatera Journal, authors will be given notice about the stages and development of articles sent starting from a manuscript submission letter containing rules in manuscript submission and attachments in the form of an author statement letter.
- At the manuscript submission stage, the author is required to fill out the author's statement letter and deposit a manuscript submission fee of Rp. 250,000,- (two hundred fifty thousand rupiah) per article, transferred to the Bank Mandiri KCP Medan Sisingamangaraja account with Account Number 106-00-0975643-1 in the name of Ilham Hariaji, then the author's statement letter and proof of transfer are sent via email
- The manuscript submission fee will not be refunded even if the writing is disallowed or rejected.
- The manuscript will be processed further if the author's statement letter email is complete and proof of payment has been received.
- Manuscripts that have been completed through the review stage (review) and editing stage, will be sent a letter of completion of the editing process and an attachment in the form of a statement letter of handover of the manuscript.
- For every article that has received a letter of completion of the editing process, the author will be charged an article manuscript publication fee of Rp. 250,000,- (two hundred fifty thousand rupiah) per article, transferred to the Bank Mandiri KCP Medan Sisingamangaraja account with Account Number 106-00-0975643-1 in the name of Ilham Hariaji, then proof of transfer is sent via email
- If proof of payment and manuscript handover letter has been received by the editor of the Farmatera Bulletin Journal, then the Farmatera Bulletin Journal will issue a Letter of Acceptance (LOA) to the author.
- The article manuscript will be published if all the requirements above are complete.
- The Farmatera Bulletin Journal does not receive any additional money other than the amount of value listed on the Buletin Farmatera Journal page.
- Buletin Farmatera Journal has nothing to do with the author's interest in the submitted article manuscript.
- The author is not allowed to make any intervention against the Buletin Farmatera Journal; if there is an intervention, the Buletin Farmatera Journal can annul or reject the article manuscript without a refund of the money that has been deposited.
- Writing that has been submitted, if it will be withdrawn, the author must send a letter via journal email.
- Writings that have been published, cannot be contested, for any reason including withdrawal.
Writing Format
- The article must use good and correct in english, or grammatically correct.
- The article is typed 1.15 spaces on A4 paper.
- Left and top margins 2.54 cm and right and bottom 2.54 cm (normal margins in MS Word).
- The maximum number of pages is 15 pages.
- Times New Roman font size 12, except for the title, author affiliation, table title and figure.
- Each page is numbered sequentially starting from the title page until the last page in the bottom right corner of the page as in the template.
- Articles are submitted in Microsoft Word (MS Word) format.
Abstrak and Keywords
- Abstracts can be written in english.
- The abstract is written in one paragraph with a maximum number of 200 words.
- Abstracts are written concisely and clearly to allow readers to understand new or important aspects without having to read the entire paper according to the format of introduction, methods, results and discussion (IMRAD).
- Choose 3-5 keywords that can help organize the index and sort them alphabetically. Keywords put on the same page as the abstract
- Include the measure in International System units (SI units).
- Do not use non-standard abbreviations.
- Fill in metric units (meters, kilograms, or litres).
- Don't start sentences with numeric numbers; For sentences that begin with a number, write with a letter.
- Every reference, figure and table obtained from the reference source is marked with a number in superscript form according to the style of the American Medical Association (AMA) 11th edition, using the Mendeley application.
- Each table must be typed with a space of 1 with the form Arial Narrow 10.
- The number of the sequential table corresponds to the order in which it is mentioned in the text.
- Each table is given a short title.
- Each column is given a short subtitle.
- Place the explanation in the footnote, not in the title.
- Describe in the footnotes all non-standard abbreviations present in the table.
- The maximum number of tables is 6 pieces ( every 1000 words in the article can be created 1 table)
Photo / Image
- Images should be sequentially numbered according to their appearance in the text.
- Each image is labelled at the bottom of the image and written with the image number, author's name, and the 'bottom' pointer mark of the image.
- The image caption is written in the form of Arial Narrow 10.
- Photos of people who may be identifiable must be accompanied by written permission.
- Images that have been published must be accompanied by written permission.
- The maximum number of photos/images is 6 pieces.
Statistical Methods
- Statistical methods should be described in detail in the methods chapter and supported by references.
- An unusual method, written in detail along with references to the method.
- Acknowledgements can be added if any.
- Acknowledgements can be given to research contributors without writing down a degree.
- Acknowledgements are addressed to professionals who have contributed to the preparation of the journal, including technical support, financial support and general support from an institution.
- References are written according to the American Medical Association (AMA) 11th edition writing rules.
- Citation of required libraries using the Mendeley application.
- The number of references is at least 20 pieces from the last 5 years of publication.
- References of at least 90% from reputable journals.
- References should be included at the end of each statement in the content of the introduction, methods, and discussion.
- Every newly entered article manuscript must refer to 2 articles that have been published in the Farmatera Bulletin Journal.